We all know how bad sitting at a desk all day is to our bodies. We have read the articles that say “sitting is the cause of obesity and heart disease” and “sitting for 6+ hours increases your mortality risk by 37%.” So many jobs require hours of desk work and being planted in front of a computer screen for most of the day. For most of us, spending a couple thousand dollars on a standing desk is out of the question, and the standing desk movement hasn’t seemed to quite catch on fast enough to get your boss on-board, so we’re left to either get creative or remain seated. Of course, if you want to spend the money, you can build a small gym with all of the options offered to keep you moving in your cubicle.
Standing at your desk will give you more energy, burn extra calories, and boost your metabolism. Experts have said that just 15 minutes per hour of standing could extend your life. Luckily, the standing desk movement has brought us many options that will fit just about every budget. If you want a classic standing desk, the Nextdesk has a few options to get you on your feet and have all your work at the same level. A small motor moves the desk to a standing height or to a seated position if you become tired of standing. The StorkStand is cheaper than a full desk and attaches to your existing computer desk chair. If you ever get tired of standing, your chair hasn’t gone far to use. If you are crafty enough, try a DIY project to make your own standing desk.
If standing isn’t your thing, there is a variety of desk accessories to help you move. A stand alone treadmill fits under your desk and can also slide out of the way if you would like to sit. Some ellipticals fit under your desk so you can get your work done while exercising in your seat. You can even place a stationary bicycle under some desks. By exercising while working, you give yourself more free time when you are done at work because you can skip the gym later.
You don’t need a desk accessory to get moving in your cubicle, your own computer can send you reminders! Workrave is a program that you download onto your computer and it frequently reminds you to take breaks and also restricts you to a daily time limit. Along with break alerts, the program also offers ideas for exercises and stretches, and lets you choose how long you would like your breaks and how often.
If you have a smart phone, there is a similar app that you can download on your phone to send you reminders to walk away from your work and move around for awhile. Move is a program that sends reminders daily to get active and even prompts the user to try specific exercises. The exercises are selected randomly from a list that the user can choose which ones to participate in, and can even create their own. If you have a busy day at work, or need a break from the daily exercises, you can tell the app to skip a day and your alerts will resume the next day.
With today’s advancements in technology, it is important that we take advantage of the tools that we have to help us stay healthy at work. Whether you walk on a treadmill at your desk or take a short walk around the office, the important part is that you remain productive while keeping your health a priority. How do you use technology to keep you moving in your cubicle? Share your tips in the comments below!